Technical Assistance Grant Guidelines
Technical Assistance Grant Program Guidelines
This document provides guidance on the SSBCI Technical Assistance Program’s application, award requirements, and administration of the Technical Assistance Grant Program.
This Treasury Department SSBCI Technical Assistance Grant Program Guidelines document provides guidance on the SSBCI Technical Assistance Program’s application, award requirements, and administration of the Technical Assistance Grant Program. The document consists of 8 (eight) sections as outlined below:
– Section II
Describes the available TA Grant Program funding.
– Section III
Defines eligible recipients, eligible beneficiaries, and eligible TA providers.
– Section IV
Provides detail on qualifying TA services.
– Section V
Describes the application process, including the components of the required TA plan. Additional pre-award requirements,
including the TA grant agreement, are described in Section VI.
– Section VI
Lists pre-award requirements including the requirement for all grant recipients to register in the System for Award Management
(SAM, at SAM.gov) before submitting their TA Grant Program application to Treasury.
– Section VII
Describes how Treasury will assess applications.
– Section VIII
Provides award administration information.
TA grant recipients will be required to comply with these TA Grant Program Guidelines, the SBJA, as amended (codified at 12 U.S.C. § 5701 et seq., referred to herein as “the SSBCI statute”), and other SSBCI guidance, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) that Treasury may publish from time to time. Because awards under the TA Grant Program are considered federal financial assistance, eligible recipients must also comply with the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance), 2 C.F.R. Part 200, unless otherwise specified in the TA Grant Program Assistance Listing, these TA Grant Program Guidelines, or other SSBCI guidance.