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Capital Funding Allocation (Total): $97,943,015
Capital Funding Allocation Status: PENDING
Technical Assistance Grant (Total): $3,139,321
Technical Assistance Grant Status: PENDING
The SSBCI Funding for Alabama is pending, Funding Summary is listed below:
Total Capital Allocation is: $97,943,015
Potential Additional Incentive is: $14,507,422
Technical Assistance Grant is: $3,139,321
Main Capital Allocation Employment-Based Section 3003(b)
VSB Allocation Very Small Business Section 3003(f)
SEDI Allocation Section 3003(f)
Incentive Funding Initial Eligible Amount Section 3003(e)
Total Potential Funding Amount
Total Capital Allocation is $97,943,015
Technical Assistance Grant is $3,139,321